Canada, Hetalia, Russia

Yandere!Hetalia Fluff Headcanons: Russia and Canada


  • He’s the biggest softie around you. He can’t help himself, you’re too small and cute in comparison to him. As long as you don’t try to leave Mother Russia everything will be okay, da?
  • Had a tough day? This big guy is happy to take you into his arms. He’ll drag carry you to the nearest couch and pull you into his lap. After you become engulfed in the warmth that is Russia, he’ll ask you what has happened. Depending on how upset you are, a few things are going to happen. One, hot chocolate and snuggles until you fall asleep. Two, the maiming of whatever upset you. Three, when he comes home he’s going to kiss your forehead affectionately. No one messes with his little sunflower..
  • He really doesn’t want to scare you so he keeps as many of his Yandere tendencies to himself that he can. He’s trying, but he’s not very good at it. You notice some of his favorite pipes are rusty, he’ll come home smelling like iron, some of the people you don’t like go missing, the shop keep who sold you an awful product is being overly friendly all the sudden. It’s all very confusing.
  • Once the bubble is burst, he’ll get a lot more clingy. He doesn’t want you to leave. He doesn’t want you to hate him. Everything he’s done it has been for your benefit, as far as he believes.
    • You want to take a bath? He’s begging you to join and he’s more than prepared to buy the biggest bathtub on the market to make it more comfortable for you.
    • Want to go out shopping? He’s going to cling to your arm, hold your hand, follow you like a shadow, anything to keep you near.
    • He’s going to constantly leave gifts everywhere. If you trip in the hallway at night, it’s probably a new blanket he’s gifted you. Feel something lumpy under you pillow? It’s a new necklace/earring set.
    • Whilst trying to win your affections after you discover the kind of monster he is, he spends more and more time with you and less time outside.
  • If you except him enough to stay he’s ecstatic. He’ll immediately pull you into his arms and cover your face with kisses. A few on your cheeks, some on the nose, one on each ear for good measure, and a peck on the lips. He’s going to spend his days pampering and loving on you. Nothing makes him happier than being in front of the fire, on the couch, mug in hands, enjoying each others company.
  • Another of his favorite forms of affection is hand holding. Entwining your fingers between his, comparing his large hands to your smaller ones, he just finds it so personal. If you really want to impress Ivan, say something cute while holding hands. I love you is a great start!
  • If he feels secure enough to let you leave the house he’s going to want to go out on dates. He’ll take you on dates to go see ballets, he loves to watch the dancers dance gracefully on the stage. He’ll want to go have picnics in the sunflower fields during the summer.Of course, he’s open to some suggestions but he’s more content staying in his home country than going out to visit others. He feels like you both are safer in Russia than you would be outside of it.
  • The more affection you give him, the less he feels like he needs to go out and forcefully protect you. The more you stay at home, the more he’s going to stay with you. His Yandere tendencies come from a deep fear of being abandoned and if you make it clear to him that you will not do so, it’s going to become increasingly easier to curb most of the negatives of having your lover being a Yandere. However, you need to keep in mind that while he was changed he has not changed. No matter what you do, he’s still going to be an extremely clingy lover. 

1p! Canada


There were not any decent gifs of Canada in the anime I could fine, so here’s a super cute gift from Captain Jellyroll. She’s got some of the best animations I’ve seen in the Hetalia community and she’s got a lot of the F. A.C.E. family if that’s your thing!  ╰(*´︶`*)╯ – Mod Trash

  • While Russia comes off as a big and scary man initially, Matthew is small and the shyest boy in Hetalia. The poor thing is hardly ever noticed even by his own family.
  • You smile and wave at him a few times and Canada is hooked on the idea of you. He’s not very good at expressing himself so he’s going to find ever single over way to show you he cares.
    • It all begins with anonymous letters. All of them are written by someone who’s really good with their words and there’s always a little something extra in there. A poem, a cute drawing of you, a cute drawing of some angry polar bear, surprise glitter, these letters are some of the cutest things you’ve ever seen. He’s usually watching from behind something every time you open one, just to gauge your reaction. Ah.. They like it..
    • If the letters are going well, you’ll start to find packages alongside the notes. They contain tiny phone charms, homemade soaps, maple fudge, anything Matthew thinks you might like.
  • When he finally finds his courage to actually talk to you, instead of just lurking in your shadow, he’s going to be a stuttering, blushing mess. He can barely get a word out that sounds remotely like any language. Once this shy, angelic-looking boy finally is able to communicate that he is in fact your anonymous admirer it’s going to be very hard resisting the urge to take Matthew into your arms and comfort him.
  • As you are dating he’s still going to be a very shy boy. He’s a bit hesitant to even hold your hand. Though, you have noticed he’ll grasp your hand quickly when someone wolf whistles or stares at you for a bit too long. You swear you even saw him give a man one of the darkest glares you’ve ever seen. Though, it’s easy to calm him down if you gently stroke his hand gently.
  • Matthew is the sneakiest of the Yanderes which is only helped along by his meek personality. It would be hard to guess just how possessive he can get. It starts small. That friend who you don’t get along with well tells you to fuck off one day, out of the blue and Canada is there to comfort you with food and gentle hugs. Slowly, everyone you know begins to get more aggressive and hostile towards you. Eventually, all you have left is Matthew.
  • He’s there for you in every way he can be. No matter what kind of attention he gets, it’s going to be good attention to him. If you yell at him because the stress of all your friends being so crappy is getting to you, he’s just going to appreciate the fact that you told him. All he wants it your love and attention.
  • Hes become your emotional support and only companion, nothing makes him happier. He’s there through all your mood swings and never gets upset with you. He really is angelic and its incredibly hard to be mad at him, it almost makes you feel guilty
  • Date wise, he’d much prefer doing something outdoorsy. Camping, hiking, picnics, star gazing, are just some of the kinds of dates he’s really going to like. He’s quite possessive and he’d prefer anything you two do to be between you and Matthew alone. Once in awhile though, especially when he thinks he’s being found out, he’ll take you into a large city to go shopping, to the movies, or to a farmer’s market. He may be slightly pouty though.
  • You’ll probably never discover he’s a Yandere, hes too quiet and good at hiding things. He’d much rather it stay that way too. He’s one of the most patient lovers on the planet and is ready to stick by you thick and thin.

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